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This library’s sole purpose is to extract data from a MS SQL database into csv files. Each table or view will have a corresponding csv file.

The repository contains a library, a command line utility and a task runner


In order to extract the data the library needs a project file. A project file is simply an xml file with an “.iprj” extension, and looks like:

<Project xmlns="http://wildgums/2015">
  <ConnectionString>Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=MyDbName;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False</ConnectionString>
    <Table Name="MyTable1"/>
    <Table Name="MyTable2" Csv="Table2.csv"/>
    <Table Name="MyTable3" Csv="Table3.csv" Output="C:\Temp"/>

There are four important tags:


Once the project file is setup you can create the csv files using the following command:

public static void ProcessProject(string projectFilePath, string outputFolderPath, ILogWriter logWriter)


Importer.ProcessProject(projectFilePath, outputFolderPath, new ConsoleWriter());

The parameters are:

Command line utility (Orc.DbToCsv.Console)

Orc.DbToCsv.Console is a simple command line utility.

There are two possible command line options:


Orc.DbToCsv.Console.exe -p E:\sample1.iprj -o D:\output

Task Runner



We would like to thank the following contributors:

Want to contribute to the documentation? We have a guide for that!


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