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In .NET, it is possible to create fully dynamic objects. This makes it possible to create types of which the members are not yet known at compile time.

For more information about dynamic programming, see MSDN.

Creating dynamic objects

Creating a dynamic object with full Catel functionality is easy. Just add the Orc.DynamicObjects reference via NuGet and create a class that derives from DynamicModelBase:

public class DynamicModel : DynamicModelBase
	// TODO: Add custom functionality if required

Then the dynamic model can be used like this:

dynamic model = new DynamicModel();
model.NonExistingProperty = "a dynamic value";

It is important to know that you must use the keyword dynamic to instantiate the type.

Using ModelBase functionality

The DynamicModelBase class derives from ModelBase. However it must be preceded by the dynamic keyword. To use the ModelBase functionality, cast it to the right type:

dynamic model = new DynamicModel();
model.NonExistingProperty = "a dynamic value";
// Note: the Validate method is available on the ModelBase
var modelBase = (ModelBase)model;

Supporting serialization of dynamic objects

Dynamic objects in Catel fully support the default serialization that Catel provides. To example below shows how to serialize a dynamic object:

dynamic model = new DynamicModel();
model.NonExistingProperty = "a dynamic value";

var serializer = SerializationFactory.GetXmlSerializer();

using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
	var dynamicModel = (DynamicModel)model;
	serializer.Serialize(dynamicModel, memoryStream);

	memoryStream.Position = 0L;

	dynamic deserializedModel = serializer.Deserialize(typeof(DynamicModel), memoryStream);
	var deserializedDynamicModel = (DynamicModel) deserializedModel;

	// deserializedDynamicModel is now a dynamically deserialized object


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